National First Love Day

National First Love Day 2023

Last Updated on February 6, 2023


Every year September 18 is observed as the national first love day. The national first love day reflects our first love, first butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling, first date, first spark with our romantic partner, etc. For some people, this day will feel like a distant memory (their first love may be a sweetheart from high school), and for some people, it will be the closest memory (they might still be with their first love). But whatever it is, the national first love day gives us the opportunity to reflect on all the first things that happened in our first love. There will be beautiful memories for some people, and for some people, there will be painful memories. Beautiful or painful memories, whatever it is, taught you some valuable lessons, and that might be a reason for your betterment, and it helped you be a better person than you are today. If you still remember your first love, then this day will be awesome.

History of the National First Love Day

The national first love day was started to celebrate in 2015. This day was started in the United States, and it is celebrated nationally every year (now some people who are out of the United Nations are also celebrating this day). There is no authentic date in the history of the national first love day, and also, we do not know the person who created this day. But all we know is that this day is to reflect our first love. Before the creation of this day, there were some days related to love, like Valentine’s Day and National Love Day, but those days are to celebrate the current love. This day was created to remind our first blushing moments and to remind us where it all started.


Activities to do on the National First Love Day

  • Remember your first love.

If you are still with your first love, take them out and rewind all the things and enjoy it. If you are not with your first love, then it is a chance for you to remember those days. Vist some of the places where you have been with your first love, and try to remember all nostalgic moments.

  • Write a poem

Sit alone and write your thoughts into a poem or song. Share this with someone and express your love for them.

  • Look for the next

There are plenty of fish in the ocean, so if you are broken after your first love, this day is the best chance for you to come out of it and look for the next love for the next life stage.


Why Everyone Loves the National First Love Day?

  • First love is the best memory.

Our first love brought us to a new world that we may not find it alone. First love is always beautiful because that is the first time we are experiencing everything, and those memories will never fade out.

  • First love teaches a lesson.

Most of the first love will end in the hear break, and we can learn a lesson from our first love, and we could use it for our growth. Those heartbreakings shape us, make us a better person, and make us better for the next love we are falling in.


When is National First Love Day?

2020Sep 18
2021Sep 18
2022Sep 18
2023Sep 18


Other Days Celebrated in September

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