National Ugly Sweater Day

National Ugly Sweater Day 2023

Last Updated on April 14, 2023

Is it not weird to know there is a national day for an ugly sweaters? Yes! There is a tradition of wearing an ugly sweater on this day in the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, and a few other countries. Each year the third Friday of every December is celebrated as the national ugly sweater day. National ugly sweater day 2021 is celebrated on December 17

The national day of the ugly sweater is also known for fundraising for charity. The day is popularly known as national ugly Christmas sweater day. Christmas’s joy starts once it is December, and the day dedicated to ugly sweaters will add extra essence to the Christmas mood.

History of National ugly sweater day

National ugly sweater day hasn’t got a long history. The ugly sweater became a household meme in the 1980s because of the Cosby shows. The sweaters were outdated in the mid of 1990s, and the trend was back in the 2000s. The trend of celebrating ugly sweater day was an inspiration due to the character played by Chevy Chase in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

Historical Facts on National ugly sweater day

  1. It is said that the first ugly sweater was made under the name Jingle bell sweaters in the 1980s. The jingle bell sweaters became more popular in 1989 as the whole family wore them in a show called National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.
  2. In 2002, the first ugly-sweater party was held in Vancouver, Canada, to support cancer treatment for a friend. The celebration inspired many people in other parts of the world, and fundraising was done on national ugly sweater day for the cause of charity.
  3. The world’s most expensive ugly sweater was sold for $90,000 in the year 2018.
  4. According to our team’s research, the trend of ugly sweaters reached popularity after 2010, and purchasing them has become so expensive.

What should we do on National ugly sweater day?

  • One must try to purchase the ugly sweater from the market and wear it on national ugly sweater day. If we like to make an ugly sweater, it will be nice to wear a self-made ugly sweater and enjoy the day.
  • It would be good to celebrate a part where everyone is asked to wear ugly sweaters and raise funds for charity.

Why should we celebrate National ugly sweater day?

  1. Ugly sweater day is a unique celebration. It would be more fun to flaunt ugly sweaters and check out who wears the ugliest sweater in our group.
  2. December is for celebrations. It is nice to celebrate national ugly sweater day and lighten up the mood of Christmas.
  3. The trend of wearing sweaters will never be forgotten if a day is celebrated for ugly sweaters.
  4. On purchasing ugly sweaters, we help the one who makes them and makes a living out of them.

Generally, Ugly sweaters aren’t nice to wear. It is wonderful that the national ugly sweater day is observed for a wonderful cause. The ugly sweater gets a badge of pride for a day each year.

When is National Ugly Sweater Day?

2023Dec 15Friday
2024Dec 20Friday
2025Dec 19Friday

Other Days Celebrated in December

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