national mutt day

National Mutt Day 2023

Last Updated on February 6, 2023

National Mutt Day is a day to celebrate mixed-breed dogs, and this is an unofficial holiday that falls on the 31st of July and 2nd December each year. The National Mutt Day is dedicated to dogs and mixed breeds; these 4 legged babies should be treated with love, affection, and respect.

In short, the importance of National Mutt Day is a reminder for everyone to treat millions of mixed-breed dogs with love and care. This day also encourages the people in the United States to adopt mixed breed dogs and give them a loving home.


History of National Mutt Day

As per the research and history, dogs came from wolves, and they were treated as domestic animals early in the Middle East, Northern Asia, and Eastern Europe about 15000 to 35000 years ago.


Historical Facts About National Mutt Day

  • Colleen Paige created the day. She is famous animal welfare and pet expert.
  • The National Mutt Day is celebrated on both 31st July and 2nd December across the USA.
  • More than half of the dogs in American adoption shelters are usually mixed American breeds and are preferred for adoption.

As per the scientific theory, wolves were attracted to the human campus and enjoyed the leftover food. Few wolves came close to human begins and became lovable pets. Over time, wolves began to transform themselves into domestic animals and become friends with humans. Eventually, humans began to craft dogs and started with different breedings.


What to do on National Mutt Day?

The best possible way to celebrate National Mutt Day is to visit a dog shelter or adopt a dog. You can always volunteer for some care and compassion. Make sure to create awareness on social media sites using the hashtag #NationalMuttDay and encourage your friends and folks to be part of this amazing initiative.


Reasons Why We Must Celebrate National Mutt Day

  1. Mixed breed dogs tend to have lesser health problems, and it is safe for adoption. Since combined breeds have more of mixing, the chances of any disorder or health issues are scarce.
  2. The combination breeds are cheap; it is always great to adopt the mixed-breed dog from the shelter and bring home a creation who needs some love and compassion. Additionally, the adoption fee is less, and you can save a lot of money.
  3. The mixed-breed dogs don’t have a familiar image, and they usually don’t look like other common dogs. It means Mutts are unique, special, and cute pups. Moreover, every breed has its personality traits and also inherits traits of its parents. You definitely will have one of a unique kind of dog.
  4. Maintaining a mixed breed is also easy as they are with fewer health issues. This means visiting the veterinary doctor is also less.  Additionally, they have lesser grooming needs; hence money won’t fly from your wallet quickly.
  5. Millions of mixed breed dogs are looking for a loving and caring home. Adopt a mixed breed dog and show some affection and compassion on this National Mutt Day.


When is National Mutt Day?

2023July 31Monday
2024July 31Wednesday
2025July 31Thursday


Other Days Celebrated in July

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